Saturday, January 19, 2008

Time flys...

I told you that it would take a while to post again since Danielle left. Much less add a picture. I wanted to send a few pictures of us with Lance at our class but don't know how! Anyone want to teach the "Junk Dealer" how? It would take me like a year to try and figure it out myself. It's Saturday and the "worker bee Junkies" are encouraging me to hang out at the house for a while. I'm having my coffee thinking, "what am i doing sitting here? Need to go to the store." Is that overdrive? Settle down Beth. Relax. Take a deep breath. The crop was full this weekend, Teresa's classes are full, and we are just in awe. I wanna be there! Can't wait much longer. We had my mom here for a week and she kept up with our clothes and dinner. My daughter Sydni told her, "Gran, it's so good when you are here because the same day that we put our clothes in the dirties, we get them back that day!" They wait about 4 maybe 5 days with me and they swear that the dryer eats their clothes because they never get them back. Ha! With one 12 years old and the other 10, it's time they learn how to keep their clothes clean, right? Well, Dani just learned since she started college. That's at the age of 22. No, not really. It was a little younger than that. When they have a sock missing do you tell them "well, they must have sprouted legs and walked off?" I think that's a quote that mothers have used from many generations before! Off to another day my friends. Be blessed.

1 comment:

Susan Silver Dill said...

As a Mom who works from home AND homeschools, I taught my boys to do their own laundry early. If they can reach the dials, measure the soap, and reach the bottom of the washer tub, then they can do their own. They each have their own wash day. If they forget, then it's their fault it didn't get done!