Sunday, October 17, 2010

October Sneak Peak

Take a look at this month's kit. Don't you love the non-traditional colors for Christmas? Add in a little bling and your Christmas layouts are sure to sparkle!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Donna Downey One Day Away!!!

The long awaited visit of Donna Downey is just 1 day away!
We only have a couple more spots in each class.

The supplies needed for the class are all in also.
Check out her supply list

A bunch of the things you will need you probably already have at home. For example, an apron, jar to dip your paint brushes in,baby wipes, things like that. We have the inks, glue, watercolor products, paintbrushes, pens and other special products that youcan purchase at the store.

These supplies are limited so if you need some of them you may call the store today so that we can have them waiting for you.

We also have a special treat for all of our customers. Any Donna Downey Exclusive products will be 15% off! And a ton of it came in yesterday. Canvas, Canvas & more Canvas!

Anyone can run by the store, take a few pictures and meet & greet Donna on Friday night from 5:00-6:00pm. Hope to see you there. Get ready for some fun!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Boo-Ville Crop, Donna Downey & Kit Samples


We have SO much coming up that it's got my head spinning.
Get your calendar ready with your pen and save the dates!

Donna Downey's Classes still have a little bit of room.
You just gotta go to our website and checkout the details.
Those of you that remember, her classes are awesome and so inspiring.
It's all under the "Main Events" tab... Time is running out...

Sign-ups are ready to roll also for our "BOO-VILLE" crop on Oct 29th & 30th...
Dress Up if you wanna..
I always have cool props to capture your photos!

Friday the 29th, 10:00am-Midnight
Saturday the 30th, 10:00am-Midnight

We will have your table goodies, as always, snacks, sodas & chocolate.
We will serve you a brunch on Saturday morning & also we will be stirring up
some chicken and sausage GUMBO for dinner!
It's gonna be awesome!

Attention Junkie Kit Club Members,
Here are some pictures of the samples made from this month's kit.
I can't wait to see what you do with yours.
Don't you just love the fall colors!

Don't forget you can check our class calendar
for all the upcoming classes...
It's gonna be a Great October!